If you’ve spent your whole life living in a tiny village, that tiny village would be all you know. The voices and opinions of your fellow villagers will become your only train of thought. If the leader of the village tells you to think a certain way your whole life, you will be trained to think in such ways. If you have an opinion that differs from the villagers, they may shun you. They may question why you think that way and diminish any thought process that isn’t similar to theirs.
Throughout history there have been countless instances where people are brain washed to think certain ways. Whether it be a college, parents or social media- people are always pushing their opinions on others. Why?
The freedom we have to experience different thoughts is a beautiful thing. Life experiences create different thoughts and new perspective’s on things. It’s okay to have a view that isn’t the same as your neighbors or loved ones. It’s okay to form your own opinions on things.
As an artist, I love viewing perspectives of the world through others’ lens.
If you gathered ten photographers together in a room to photograph the same thing, you would have ten different perspectives of the subject. Ten different angles, editing styles, lighting, so on, and so forth.
Embracing diverse perspectives enriches our understanding of the world around us. Just as each photographer captures unique angles, each person brings their own unique perspective to the table.
To break free from a singular view of the world, we must be open to seeing and hearing out different opinions and engaging in meaningful conversations that will help us understand others perception of the world. Let us celebrate our differences and hear each other out, thus creating a more inclusive and accepting world.